February 5-7th International Workshop on How to Integrate Geochemistry at Affordable Costs Into Reactive Transport for Large-Scale Systems, Dresden, Germany:
- Hammond, G.E. and Lichtner, P.C. (2020) Bounding Computation and Complexity for Reactive Transport on Supercomputers: A Perspective from Nuclear Waste Repository Performance Assessment SAND2020-1056 PE
- Mariner, P., Debusschere, B.J., Hammond, G.E., Seidl, D.T., Swiler, L.P., and Vo, J. (2020) Surrogate Modeling of Spatially Heterogeneous Source Terms for Probabilistic Assessment of Repository Performance. SAND2020-0963 C
November 5th DECOVALEX Symposium 2019, Brugg, Switzerland:
- Mariner, P.E., Debusschere, B.J., Jerden, J., Seidl, D.T., Swiler, L.P., and Vo, J. (2019), Lessons Learned in the Development of Source Term Surrogate Models for Repository Performance Assessment SAND2019-13375 C
- LaForce, T., Stein, E.R., Sevougian, S.D., Hammond, G.E., Park, H., and Chang, K.W (2019) Thermal-Hydrologic Design Constraints for the Disposal of High-Heat Waste Packages in a Deep Geologic Repository SAND2019-13001 C
- Nole, M., Chang, K.W., Stein, E.R., Sevougian, S.D., Zheng, L., and Rutqvist, J. (2019), Integrating Near-Field THMC Processes Into Field-Scale THC Simulations for Nuclear Waste Repository Performance Assessment SAND2019-13003 C
November 7th International SA-UQ Workshop 2019, GRS Offices, Berlin, Germany:
- Mariner, P.E., Basurto, E., Brooks, D.M., Stein, E.R., and Swiler, L.P. (2019), A Study of Epistemic and Spatial Aleatory Uncertainties on Crystalline Repository Performance SAND2019-13399 PE
March 18-22nd WM 2018 Conference, Phoenix, AZ:
- Stein E.R., Mariner, P.E., Frederick, J.M., Sevougian, S.D., and Hammond, G.E. (2018), Performance Assessment of a Generic Nuclear Waste Repository in Shale- 18392 SAND2018-0113 C
October 10th, 11th Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) Symposium 2018, Rotterdam, The Netherlands:
- Mariner, P.E., Stein, E.R., Basurto, E., and Nole, M.A. (2018), Performance assessment for crystalline host rock: Effects of discrete fracture network realization variability SAND2018-10964 C
- Frederick, J.M., Stein, E.R., and Sevougian, S.D. (2018), Radionuclide Source Term Inter-Comparison Study: GDSA Framework and RepoTREND.
- Stein, E.R., Swiler, L.P., and Sevougian, S.D. (2018), GDSA Framework: Comparison of Sensitivity Analysis Methods Applied to a Reference Case Repository in Shale SAND2018-11125 C
October 30th Interagency Performance & Risk Assessment Community of Practice Annual Technical Exchange, Aiken, SC:
- Stein, E.R., Swiler, L.P., and Sevougian, S.D. (2018), Comparison of Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis Methods Applied to a 3-D Reference Case Performance Assessment Dataset from GDSA Framework SAND2018-12331 C
September 5-7th 8th U.S./German Workshop on Salt Repository Research, Design, and Operation, Middelburg, The Netherlands:
- Frederick, J.M., Stein, E.R., and Sevougian, S.D. (2017), PFLOTRAN-RepoTREND Code Inter-comparison: Inter-comparison Plan & First PFLOTRAN Results
September 10-15th 16th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (MIGRATION2017), Barcelona, Spain:
- Frederick, J.M., Hammond, G.E., Mariner, P., Stein, E.R., and Sevougian, S.D. (2017), Modeling Waste Package Degradation and Waste Form Dissolution for Geologic Repository Performance Assessment in PFLOTRAN SAND2017-8898 C
- Mariner, P.E., Hammond, G.E., and Frederick, J.M. (2017), Isotope Partitioning, Decay, and Ingrowth across Multiple Phases in PFLOTRAN Code of GDSA Framework SAND2017-9216 C
- Stein, E.R., Hammond, G.E., and Jové Colón, C.F. (2017), Multi-Scale Modeling in PFLOTRAN for Geologic Repository Performance Assessment: An Enhancement to GDSA Framework SAND2017-9395 C
- Mariner, P.E., Frederick, J.M., and Hammond, G.E. (2017), Radon and the PFLOTRAN Ingestion Dose Model of GDSA Framework SSAND2017-9170 C
- Sevougian, S.D., Stein, E.R., Hammond, G.E., Mariner, P.E., and Frederick, J.M. (2017), Estimating the Effect of Fracture Connectivity on Waste Isolation Using a High-Performance Reactive Transport Simulator, PFLOTRAN SAND2017-9261 C
- Hammond, G.E. (2017), PFLOTRAN Reaction Sandbox: A Flexible, Extensible Framework for Vetting Biogeochemical Reactions within an Open Source Subsurface Simulator
September 11-14th SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in Geosciences 2017, Erlangen, Germany:
- Frederick, J.M., and Hammond, G.E. (2017), Maintaining quality assurance within software evolution: Lessons learned with PFLOTRAN SAND2017-9211 C
December 11-15th 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA:
- Frederick, J.M., and Hammond, G.E. (2017), Maintaining Quality and Confidence in Open-Source, Evolving Software: Lessons learned with PFLOTRAN, Abstract NS41B-0012 SAND2017-12231 C
- Stein, E.R., Sevougian, S.D., Mariner, P.E., Hammond, G.E., and Frederick, J.M. (2017), Performance Assessments of Generic Nuclear Waste Repositories in Shale, Abstract MR12A-07.
December 12-16th 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA:
- Hammond, G.E., and Frederick, J.M. (2016), PFLOTRAN verification: Development of a testing suite to ensure software quality, Abstract T23C-2944 SSAND2016-12589 C
- Stein, E.R., Sevougian, S.D., Hammond, G.E., Frederick, J.M., and Mariner, P.E. (2016), Performance assessment of a generic repository in bedded salt for DOE-managed nuclear waste, Abstract MR41C-2711 SAND2016-12457 C
December 14-18th 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA:
- Stein, E.R., Hammond, G.E., Freeze, G.A., and Hadgu, T. (2015), Numerical Modeling of Deep Borehole Disposal Performance, Abstract H11B-1329 SAND2015-10786 C
Collaborators include members of the following organizations and laboratories:
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