April 14-18th Proceedings of the 17th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, American Nuclear Society, Knoxville, TN:
- Stein, E.R., Swiler, L.P., and Sevougian, S.D. (2019), Methods of Sensitivity Analysis in Geologic Disposal Safety Assessment (GDSA) Framework SAND2019-1783 C.
- Sevougian, S.D., Hammond, G.E., Mariner, P.E., MacKinnon, R.J., Swift, P.N., Rogers, R.D., Dobson, D.C., and Tynan, M.C. (2019) Re-Evaluation of U.S. DOE R&D Efforts for Generic Deep Geologic Repositories Roadmap Update SAND2019-0340C
March 18-22nd Waste Management Symposia 2018, Phoenix, AZ:
- Stein E.R., Mariner, P.E., Frederick, J.M., Sevougian, S.D., Hammond, G.E. (2018), Performance Assessment of a Generic Nuclear Waste Repository in Shale- 18392 SAND2018-0113 C
- Sevougian, S.D., Stein, E.R., Hammond, G.E., Mariner, P.E., Frederick, J.M., and Basurto, E. (2018) Simulating the Effect of Fracture Connectivity on Repository Performance with GDSA Framework – 18589 SAND2017-12677C
March 5-9th Waste Management Symposia 2017, Phoenix, AZ:
- Sevougian, S.D., Stein, E.R., Gross, M.B., Hammond, G.E., Frederick, J.M., and Mariner, P.E. (2017), Performance assessment of a generic repository for defense-related HLW/SNF in fractured crystalline host rock, Paper 17059 SAND2016-11750C
- Freeze, G., Stein, E.R., Kuhlman, K.L., Hammond, G.E., and Frederick, J.M. (2017), Probabilistic performance assessment for deep borehole disposal of Cs/Sr capsules, Paper 17143 SAND2017-0435C
April 9-13th Proceedings of the 16th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, American Nuclear Society, Charlotte, NC:
- Hammond, G.E., and Frederick, J.M. (2017), Minimizing the impact of software evolution on radioactive waste management, Paper 19658 SAND2016-12458 C
- Frederick, J.M., Hammond, G.E., Mariner, P.E., Stein, E.R., and Sevougian, S.D. (2017), Development of a waste form process model in PFLOTRAN, Paper 19657 SAND2016-12456 C
- Stein, E.R., Frederick, J.M., Hammond, G.E., Kuhlman, K.L., Mariner, P.E., Sevougian, S.D. (2017), Modeling coupled reactive flow processes in fractured crystalline rock, Paper 19665
Collaborators include members of the following organizations and laboratories: